
Showing posts from July, 2018

Portugal in Parts: Aaaalgarve!

Side note: I didn’t do any color correction on these photos. The blues are simply that blue a nd the turquoise is that intense.   Portugal is chock and block full of history and culture, but the Portuguese also need to play. Enter Algarve. This is where you come to let your hair down, perfect your tan, stare at an Adonis or two playing volleyball, and break your camera’s memory card. Algarve coast has it all. Here you play hard and you play hard. You heard right. The only hustle and bustle here is the waves beating down on the silvery sands glistening in the sun. The Algarve coast simply doesn’t have time for your stress or worries. Here the only tolerance is for playing and relaxing – it’s a retreat for your senses, body, and mind. And if the sun and surf isn’t your cup of tea, the amount of rich culture, breath-taking vistas and oh-so-heavenly cuisine will surely bring you over to the dark side. Speaking of which, they also have a bone chapel. Sun, sea and macabre – what a...

Portugal in Parts: Wine, Holes, and Skulls

Wine I'm going to come right out and say it. Porto: I'm not a fan. Unlike, basically everywhere in Portugal, Porto feels like just another European city. I was bored by the lack of originality that suffocated the city like a cheap cologne. I do understand that a lot of people love Porto, I can also understand their reasons for loving it. I'm simply stating, that I was underwhelmed by how well she fitted in with the rest of the cool European city crowd. I missed that charming spunk that all her neighbor cities and towns possess. That "I might not be the brightest star you've ever seen, but dang it I'm going to shine with all my might and that's beautiful enough" attitude that Portugal has and that I completely admire.  This McDonald's voted "The World's Most Beautiful" is actually only from 1995. Livrario Lello makes you feel like you've stepped into Hogwarts ...