5 Things I Liked About Tulum

During this Apocolypse or #Covid19 pandemic as it's more commonly known, I've been on a mission to give positivity more of my attention. I mean, the alternative simply isn't an option anymore. It feels like we're bouncing around in Pandora's Box and every other day we discover a new horror. Therefore, I've decided to use all of my energy and brainpower (what's left of it after this neverending pandemic) to focus only on the positive. So here goes, I'll list the things I liked about the tourist trap-extraordinaire: Tulum. 1. Cenotes Ceno-what now? It's pronounced, sə-nō′tē, or if the phonetic alphabet is like Greek to you, watch here how to say it like a local. Why is it so important to pronounce correctly? Well, because after you've experienced the magic that's a cenote and come to love them fiercely, you'd also be offended when you hear someone mispronounce it. So, what's this foreign word and why is it something you love abou...